Perry 200 Announces Community Mini Grant Program

In hopes of involving the greatest number of Erie County communities and neighborhoods in the commemoration of the Bicentennial of the War of 1812, the Perry 200 Commission has authorized a mini-grant program open to the general public and not-for-profit entities. A total of $15,000 has been set aside to award mini-grants of $250 to $2500 to the community in a competitive grants program. Download grant application and guidelines.

Nonprofit organizations, community groups and individuals are eligible to apply, and grant funds may be used for any new project inspired by the spirit of Perry 200. Priority will be given to projects that:

•    are open to the public,
•    beautify a neighborhood or community,
•    celebrate ethnic heritage, and/or
•    inspire community or neighborhood pride and unity.

All projects must be in place or completed by September 8, 2013. The committee encourages projects that are on-going and will remain in place for years to come, without additional funding from Perry 200, which concludes in September.

The deadline has been extended. Completed applications must be received no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, May 31, 2013.  Applications may be submitted electronically to or may be delivered to the Perry 200 at the Jefferson Educational Society, 3207 State Street, in care of Corrine Egan.

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