Pennsylvania Statewide Historic Preservation Plan Draft for Review

Pennsylvania Statewide Historic Preservation Plan Draft for Review!

The Bureau for Historic Preservation and T&B Planning are pleased to release a draft version of the 2012-2017 Pennsylvania Statewide Historic Preservation Plan for your review and comment.

Work began on this Statewide Historic Preservation Plan in April 2010, more than two years before its publication, to ensure that it addresses public concerns head‐on for the benefit of all Pennsylvanians.  They believe this Plan is an accurate reflection of those concerns. Please download a pdf version of the plan by visiting the PHMC website (see link below) and send your comments and suggestions to Scott Doyle at by Monday March 5, 2012.

Download the Plan here: Pennsylvania Statewide Historic Preservation Plan Draft

Pennsylvania’s Statewide Historic Preservation Plan (2012‐2017) lays out a five-year framework for action and collaboration. The overarching goal is to build stronger communities by using cultural and historic resources in ways that add value to citizens’ lives today and in the future. At one time, preservation was focused primarily on popular heritage sites and urban neighborhoods. Over the past decade, however, attention has widened in scope to consider the authentic character of small towns, rural landscapes and recreational and natural assets. As a result, economic, environmental, and quality of life advantages contribute to successful preservation efforts and vice versa.  They hope the goals and action steps of this plan can fulfill the Bureau’s Vision for preservation in Pennsylvania.

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One Response to Pennsylvania Statewide Historic Preservation Plan Draft for Review

  1. Heritage Tourism is one of the world’s major growth industries and any measures encouraging appreciation and conservation of our fragile built environment on the part of developers, government, and citizens are to the good. The investment tax credit is worthy of careful consideration. It is possiible that thinking in terms of conservation rather than preservation may be helpful because it implies a dynamic process, appreciating and learning from the past, in the present context, for our future.

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