Miracles on Maple Hill Driving Tour of Edinboro June 24th

Due to the unexpected death of playwright and friend Michael Hall, Hurry Hill Maple Farm and Museum has cancelled their Miracles on Maple Hill Driving Tour and 3rd Annual Maple Farm to Table Picnic Dinner and Play scheduled for June 24th.

A driving tour of the sites of Virginia Sorensen’s Miracles on Maple Hill will take place on Saturday, June 24. Participants should plan to meet at the Edinboro Branch Library (Culbertson Stables Square on Route 6N west) at 9:00 AM and begin touring at 9:30.  The two-hour tour will stop at several sites in the book and will culminate at the hermit’s house with maple iced tea provided.

The cost for the tour is $5 per person, payable that morning.  The tour is limited to 40 people.  Reservations are required and may be made by contacting gardebien@verizon.net or 814-734-3562 or hurryhillfarm@verizon.net or 814-572-1358 by Monday June 19th. On Saturday, June 24th, Hurry Hill Maple Farm and Museum will host its third annual Maple Farm to Table Picnic Dinner.  The Hurry Hill Maple Museum will open at 5:00 PM.

Participants can sample maple products in the Tasting Room and view the exhibit room dedicated to Virginia Sorensen’s “Miracles on Maple Hill – Where the Seasons Take on New Meaning.”

The indoor picnic dinner, catered by Nick’s Place, will begin at 6:00 PM.  Items on the menu include maple pulled pork sandwich, maple baked beans, fresh fruit with maple dressing, maple lemon iced tea and farm potato salad all topped off with a maple cookies. Following the dinner, Florida Playwright and Edinboro’s own Michael Hall (Edin High Class of ’53) will present a short, endearing vignette “Virginia Sorensen’s Edinboro Miracles.” This staged reading follows two previous plays based on Sorensen’s book that won the 1957 Newbery Medal for excellence in children’s literature.

Hall’s new scenes are adapted from Miracles on Maple Hill and from the author’s Newbery Award Acceptance Speech.  He will direct a five-member cast including professional guest actors John Felix as Mr. Chris and Cary Anne Spear as Virginia Sorensen.

Tickets for the dinner and play are $20 each.  Reservations, which must be received by Monday, June 19th, can be made by calling Kathy Montgomery at 814-734-3562 or sending a check to Montgomery  Attn: Farm to Table Dinner, 114 Maple Drive, Edinboro, PA  16412.  Additional information is available by sending an email to gardebien@verizon.net.

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