Mercyhurst’s Erie Places, Erie Stories exhibit moves to City Hall January 15

The Mercyhurst University History Department is proud to announce that Erie Places, Erie Stories – a student-produced photographic and oral history exhibition showcasing Erie’s historic structures – is moving to Erie City Hall, opening with a reception free and open to the public on Wednesday, January 15 from 5:30 – 6:45 pm, preceding a regularly scheduled Erie City Council meeting. Funded by a grant from Arts Erie, Erie Places, Erie Stories will be located in the first floor foyer of Erie City Hall and will be accessible to the public during regular business hours of 8:30-4:30 through Friday, February 7.  Completed by Mercyhurst public history students as a semester-long hands-on learning initiative, the exhibit “makes a compelling case for more fully appreciating and protecting the historic built landscape of a great city,” said Dr. Chris Magoc, Chair of the Mercyhurst History Department.  The exhibition of more than 30 photographs premiered in December at Stairways Bloom Collaborative and now features an interactive element whereby visitors will be invited to write down their own special “Erie Place That Matters,” adding to a list compiled by Preservation Erie, one of the community partners in the project.  The exhibit will also allow visitors to purchase the photographs, with proceeds going to an organization in the neighborhood where the images were taken or to Preservation Erie.  For more information on the exhibit, contact Chris Magoc, Ph.D., at 824-2075.

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