Historical Society of Erie County to Host Loretta Brandon, Author of “Lightkeeper’s Legacy”

Loretta Brandon and members of the Presque Isle Lighthouse board are asking Erie residents to share their vintage photos of the Lighthouse, specifically photos taken from the time of the Lighthouse opening in 1872 until 1960. Loretta Brandon, author of Lightkeeper’s Legacy, will be in the Carriage House at the Hagen History Center, 356 West Sixth Street, on Thursday, May 26,from 1-4 p.m. to scan photos brought in by members of the public. She will also present a talk,“Lighthouse Changes, Past to Present,” at 7 p.m. on that same day in the Watson-Curtze Mansion Library.

“Many people have old photos, taken by themselves or by previous generations, of the Presque Isle Lighthouse. Maybe your parents or grandparents were friends of the keepers, or maybe your ancestors worked on Presque Isle for the Department of Forests and Waters,” said Brandon.“We are looking for photos that reflect the lighthouse during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.” The photos will be used to create displays and provide additional historical information as the lighthouse restoration continues.

For more information about this event, please contact the Historical Society of Erie County at814-454-1813.

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