“Gone Fishin’ – A Fairview Tale” Summer Exhibit

Did you known there were many kinds of nets for fishing? And how about the boats?  What kind is needed for which kind of fishing? Why did commercial fishing families close their businesses? Then there are those sports enthusiasts who love to fish… Come learn about Fairview’s fishing story… a walleye of a tale!

The Faiview Area Historical Society’s summer exhibit Gone Fishin’ – A Fairview Tale is a must-see. The exhibit opened Memorial Day weekend and is on display and open to the public throughout the summer, Sunday afternoons from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. August 19th is the final Sunday to see it.

The exhibit, which was assembled with the assistance of S.O.N.S. of Lake Erie members, includes artifacts and many photographs of this once important Fairview industry.

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