Virginia Sorensen, Edinboro’s Award-Winning Author

At the Edinboro Area Historical Society’s June 27 meeting former Edinboro resident and award-winning Florida playwright Michael Hall and his friends will pay tribute to Edinboro’s Newbery Award-winning author Virginia Sorensen in a program titled “Curious Virginia: Virginia Sorensen, Edinboro’s Award-Winning Author.”

Edinboro’s award-winning author, Virginia Sorensen (seated) signs copies of her Newbery Award winning book "Miracles on Maple Hill" in this c. 1955 publicity photograph taken in the Erie Bookstore. Sanding behind Ms. Sorensen are Amy Hipple (Bjork) who was the model for the character of Marley and Kathleen Cantrell, whose father owned the Erie Book Store.

Sorensen, who lived in Edinboro in the 1950s, is best known locally for writing her award-winning children’s book, Miracles on Maple Hill. Hall’s mother was the editor for the Edinboro Independent, the community’s local paper and through that connection was a close friend of Virginia Sorensen.

Hall said after he talks about why he became intrigued with Virginia Sorensen, he will introduce individuals who will read from “Vision of Uncle Lars” from Where Nothing is Long Ago. He will then discuss the life and works of Virginia Sorensen as it pertains to her life in Edinboro. He will focus on Plain Girl and Miracles on Maple Hill and read a letter Virginia wrote from Edinburgh, Scotland, to his mother comparing Edinboro to its namesake.

The historical society’s June meeting is Thursday, June 27 at 7 pm.  EAHS meetings are held in the Council Chamber in Edinboro’s Municipal Building. Meetings are free and open to the public. Refreshments will be available.

Last summer’s presentation by Michael Hall, “Growing Up In Edinboro”, resulted in one of the largest audiences in recent memory. Come early to get a seat for this exciting program.

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