Disaster Response and Recovery: A Hands-on Intensive for Museum Staff and Volunteers

Thoughtful preparation for an emergency or disaster is one of the most important steps that a cultural institution can take to safeguard collections.  This day-long, hands-on program will increase practical knowledge through hands-on salvage of a simulated disaster.  Participants will use the Incident Command System while learning to salvage a variety of materials, including paintings, wooden furniture, glass/metal/ceramic objects, textiles, paper, photographs, and books.  Personal safety, initial site assessment, object triage and tracking, and post-disaster debriefing will also be addressed during the workshop.  Strengthen connections between cultural institutions and regional PA Alliance for Response groups by working and learning together.  Knowledge of basic salvage techniques and/or prior attendance at a CCAHA PaCRN “Protecting Collections: Disaster Prevention, Planning, & Response” workshop is encouraged.

Registration is limited to 20 people.

November 17, 2014
Erie County Emergency Management
Large Training Room
2880 Flower Road, Erie, PA 16509

9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Dyani Feige, Director of Preservation Services, CCAHA
Jessica Keister, Paper & Photograph Conservator, CCAHA

Protecting Collections: Disaster Prevention, Planning, & Response is a part of the Pennsylvania Cultural Resilience Network (PaCRN).  Funded through an Institute of Museum and Library Services National Leadership Grant, the goal of PaCRN is to create a strong network and provide resources for effective emergency response and recovery for cultural institutions in Pennsylvania.  Training, relationship-building, and Commonwealth-wide policy development will be the primary focus of this two-year initiative.

Fee: $50.00
Registration Deadline: Register at least two weeks prior to the program date.

Registration, secure credit card payment, and additional program information are available at www.ccaha.org/education/program-calendar.

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