Fort LeBoeuf Hist Soc Publishes New Book About Waterford

Around Waterford On Sale Starting May 21st!

Author(s): Rosalee B. Holzer, Dorris A. Proctor, for the Fort Le Boeuf Historical Society

Book Description: From a primitive French fort visited by George Washington on his first government assignment to the birthplace of Gen. Strong Vincent, one of Gettysburg’s most notable heroes, Waterford has always had its place in shaping America as a nation. Visionaries, such as Thomas King, Amos Judson and others, invested in Waterford by building the Eagle Hotel, stores, banks and the Waterford Academy, Erie County’s first school of higher education. Lake LeBoeuf, with its beauty and great fishing, made Waterford a well-known summer resort area. Today, there are a variety of businesses and a fine farming industry, the rewards of which can be seen at the local community fair in September.

Author Bio: Rosalee Holzer is the secretary and past president of the Fort LeBoeuf Historical Society (FLHS). Dorris Proctor, an original member of the FLHS, was a genealogist, Judson House Museum coordinator, and now consults for the society. Lisa Grygier is assistant vice president of a plastics injection molding company in Erie. A newer member of the FLHS, she contributes her fine computer skills and keen interest in local history. The Fort LeBoeuf Historical Society has selected the best images from its extensive photographic archives and called on its most knowledgeable members to narrate this visual journey through Waterford’s noble history.

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