Lake Shore Railway Museum Awaits New Arrival

The Lake Shore Railway Museum’s collection of rolling stock continues to grow. As of May 17th, a Chessie System painted GE B30-7 is on its way to its new home on the museum’s grounds in North East. C&O No. 8272, which was cosmetically repainted by CSX Transportation’s Huntington locomotive shops in Huntington, WV, was spotted last week on its way to Russell, KY, where it will be sent out on a manifest train dead-in-tow for central Ohio.

While a specific routing has not been outlined, the locomotive will likely travel on ex-Chesapeake & Ohio rails into Columbus, Ohio, before heading toward Willard, Ohio, and into Cleveland. The locomotive would then use CSX tracks north and east of Cleveland to gain access to the museum.

C&O No. 8272 is former CSX B30-7 No. 5554 and was originally built as C&O No. 8272 in 1980.

Source: Trains Industry Newsletter, May 17, 2017.

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