Popular Archives Without Tears Workshop Comes to Drake Well Museum

The Drake Well Museum in Titusville is hosting the ever-popular Archives Without Tears workshop Tuesday, June 10–Wednesday, June 11. The two-day workshop cost $25 and is for those who work or volunteer in organizations that deal with the past–whether it’s a museum, historical society, historic house, city clerk’s office, library, historic site, church, or college archives. You’ll receive practical advice, sample forms and policies, and learn basic, valuable practies for collecting, preserving, and assisting researchers with the historical treasures in your care. Presented by the Pennsylvania State Archives.

Download the registration form. Registration is limited and payment must be received by June 3. If you have questions, contact Susan Beates at sbeates@pa.gov or drakewell@verizon.net.

The Pennsylvania State Archives, in partnership with the Pennsylvania Heritage Foundation, received funding through a National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) State and National Archival Partnership (SNAP) grant. The funding supported the continuation of the successful statewide Archives Without Tears Workshop through 2013 and 2014, as well as provided for numerous other outreach initiatives.

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